
“A Good Grounding” June 2022

Now the growing season is here, the workers are not idle. Garden Gate needs constant tending, watering and harvesting. May was mostly a cold month so crop growth was definitely slower, but broad beans, and rhubarb are already on our menu. It is exciting to see the beans, rootcrops and marrow veg. families making steady growth in our soil and greenhouse, our fruit crops swelling and frogs active in our pond.

He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yield its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither, and in all that he does, he prospers.

Psalm 1:3

The shop just inside the allotment main entrance is open for a variety of garden supplies on Saturdays and Sundays between 10 and 12noon and you may spot a familiar face behind the counter. This month there are plants for sale, especially summer bedding plants, Saturdays between 10am-12noon. All sold to support both HAGA (Hoole Allotment) and The Hospice of The Good Shepherd.

All are welcome to the annual HAGA Open Day, Sunday 3rd July

All are welcome to the annual HAGA (Hoole Allotment) Open Day, Sunday 3rd July. There will be a variety of stalls, refreshments and an opportunity to spot the scarecrows as you wander around the allotments.

Heavenly Father, encourage us to grow strong in Your strength as we work together and share Your goodness with others. Amen.

The Garden Gate Team.

The Garden Gate

The Garden Gate is a Missional Community of All Saints Church working on an allotment in Hoole. We are team of Christians enjoying time together with the aim of being open to the wider community through allotment gardening. We meet together and grow together in Christ in every season of life.

This was posted on 1 July 2022 in Garden Gate newsletters

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