Little Lights is our baby/toddler group for those aged 0 to until when they finish being 3 years old, and their parents or carers. This group meets in the church centre on a Monday morning (during term time) from 10am – 11.30am.
Our aim is to provide a friendly space for parents (and carers) to meet and get to know others in the neighbourhood who are at a similar stage in their lives. It can be reassuring to know that others are experiencing similar joys, challenges, (and perhaps the exhaustion!) of having a young family.
At each session there will be time to chat, enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit and sing some songs and nursery rhymes. We have a dedicated area for babies and space for toddlers to explore and play safely.
We know how much God treasures children and loves families. Jesus welcomed children to come to him … and we want to reflect His welcome. Each week we will introduce a simple Bible story or message linked to crafts, songs and activities.
There is a nominal charge of £2 to cover the cost of drinks and snacks.
Please contact Julie Tynegate (julie.tynegate@allsaints.church) to indicate your interest in coming along to Little Lights. Priority will be given to families in Hoole and the surrounding neighbourhood.
All of our leaders hold up to date DBS checks and safeguarding information is available here.