
Weekly letter and notices, 12 Sep 2021

Dear member of the All Saints family,

Craig’s Induction is getting very close now – Sunday 26th September at 7 PM!  We gather from Craig that he, Gemma and the family are settling in well into the home and school.  Craig asked us to say a grateful ‘thank you’ to all those who contributed to the hamper that came from Homegroups coordinated by Julie Tynegate.  Craig and Gemma were touched at the welcome and generosity.

I’d like to describe the service as it has several symbolic aspects to it and firmly welcomes and installs Craig as our vicar and in the parish.  There are two formal parts: firstly, a spiritual appointment – the Institution – by Bishop Mark and then the physical appointment to the church property and parish – the Induction – by our Archdeacon Mike Gilbertson.

The formal proceedings are started by our Patron, Revd Canon Helen Edwards from the Simeon’s Trustees (who managed the recruitment process for us), who will present Craig to Bishop Mark.  The Bishop reads and gives Craig a Deed of Institution which means that he is given authority to lead services, to preach, teach and hold the cure of souls (pastoral care) for the parish.  Bishop Mark then hands over to the Archdeacon Mike Gilbertson who leads the induction and installation of Craig into the parish.  The induction means that Craig has physical possession of the church, managing the property and given oversight of the Parish.  The installation places him in his seat, symbolic of his new responsibility to pray for the congregation, lead us in worship and encourage us in our witness to Christ.

At the point that the Induction has taken place, the service says that Craig will toll a bell.  We don’t have a suitable bell in church so if anyone has one that sounds suitably sonorous(!), please let us know. 

There is more!  The service starts with an announcement by Revd Pete Rugen of St Michaels who is stepping in as Hennie Johnstone, the Rural Dean is away.  Then we have a procession of the Craig, the Bishop, Archdeacon, our Patron the wardens, who represent All Saints, and visiting clergy.  These last are clergy of the deanery and will be Craig’s brothers and sisters in ministry in Chester and are supporting him as he enters the church, making him part of the team.

After the Induction, there is a procession to different parts of the church which symbolise different aspects of Christ, Craig’s ministry, and our response as a congregation:

  1. The font – the text says that this symbolises baptism for forgiveness of sins, the power of the holy spirit and sharing the good news of Christ – here Craig is given a jug of water.
  2. The pulpit – symbolising Craig’s teaching, our response being to devote ourselves to the study of scripture and prayer so we can shape our lives to follow Christ’s example and make Christ known in the world. Craig is given a bible.
  3. The holy table – ‘share with others in worship and feed on Christ through the sacrament..’ Craig is given bread and wine.

Overall, the service is comprehensive to install Craig as a vicar, please pray that this will also be a truly spiritual event with Craig given God’s commission for All Saints and the future ministry.  Also, that we would make him, Gemma and the family very welcome.

If you would like to come to the service, please contact the church office so we can manage numbers.  We hoping to accommodate everybody as we will use the hall as well as the church, but if there are too many, we may have to draw lots – but please don’t be put off from signing up!  The service will be livestreamed to the hall using a big screen and via YouTube.  If you would like to come but would prefer to be separated from those singing, please make that clear when you sign-up so we can manage knowing numbers.

Finally, to other matters, homegroups start next week, please see the notices for details including who to contact to join one if you are not in one already.  Also, in both services on 19th September, Cathy Armstrong will be doing a short presentation about her time in Madagascar over the past 2 years and the work at the Good News Hospital in Mandritsara – please see the notices for more details.

Praise the Lord, my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits

                                    Psalm 103 v 1,2

Let’s praise the Lord that he has brought us to this point and pray as we move into the new season.

With best wishes and blessings,
Andy Creeth and John Chester, Churchwardens

This was posted on 8 September 2021 in Weekly letters and notices

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