Dear Member of All Saints,
The progress with the vaccination programme is very encouraging and gives us good hope for a gradual release of lockdown in time, though clearly we will have to be patient for now.
As we had said previously, the PCC had a Zoom call with Revd Canon Helen Davies and Ann Brown of the Simeon’s Trust last week. Our Archdeacon, Mike Gilbertson was also on the call. Helen Davies is our trustee, our main contact with the responsibility for our vacancy throughout the process leading to the appointment of our new vicar. Ann Brown is the executive officer and has years of experience in the practicalities of advertising the post, the interviews etc. Helen and Ann gave us great confidence, and they are seeking to understand our Parish in detail to seek God’s guidance for the right candidates.
Helen and Ann explained the whole process for us, with a focus on the next steps. We had feedback on our draft Parish Profile which was very positive, with just a few minor changes needed, so thanks to Alex for her had work in coordinating putting it together and Sam Durdant-Hollamby for his abilities in presenting it.
There are two next steps that we need to get done in the short term before the search begins. The first is for the PCC to agree a ‘Person Specification’ of the new vicar, which will be added to the Parish Profile. Then we need to assemble an advert which will be placed in the Church Times as well as on the Simeon’s Trustees and Diocesan website amongst various other places. A draft of the person specification has been put together, which was based on the results of the questionnaire, so many thanks for the very helpful comments that many sent in. Gaining feedback on the draft is in progress, so it should be completed soon.
With the person specification and advert Simeon’s Trust begins the process of receiving applications and seeking possible candidates to work through to a shortlist. The PCC representatives are then involved in the confidential interview process leading to the appointment of the new vicar!
Please do pray that:
- God’s choice of vicar for the future of our Parish would emerge
- for the Simeon’s Trust in their work of identifying the candidates
- for the PCC representatives, Julie Tynegate and Andy Creeth, also for Helen Edwards and Mike Gilbertson for wisdom and discernment to seek God’s choice of candidate
In other notices this week, we would draw your attention to
- A very encouraging testimony from Christina, a shining example as we approach Valentine’s Day about the lengths that God will go to show love to, and to protect, someone in dire distress
- The Archbishop of Canterbury’s ‘Lent Read’ – ‘Living His Story’ by Hannah Steele’ showing how we can be ourselves and draw people to God.
- Cathy Armstrong – Madagascar. The Thiessen family are today flying from Canada via Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to join the team. It will take best part of two days to complete this part of the journey and then they will have to get from the airport at the most northly point of Madagascar via Tana, the capital, to Mandritsara. Please pray for the adults and children that they will acclimatise very quickly as they start the beginning of their new life there.
Finally, it was great to see our young people taking part in the All Age Worship last week, with Rising Generation leading music and an excellent interview with Harrison Beveridge.
As we continue to live through this long lockdown, let’s hold on Jesus’ words,
‘Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God. Trust also in me’ John 14 v 1.
With best wishes and prayers for God’s blessing,
Andy Creeth and John Chester, Churchwardens