
Weekly letter and notices, 18 Jul 2021

Dear members of the All Saints family,

It is so good when we experience highs in church life as it draws us closer to one another and collectively to the Lord. Last Sunday was one of those occasions as we worshipped and gave thanks to God for all that Helen Ellis (and Jim) has/have contributed to the life of All Saints and to God’s kingdom in Hoole. Thank you both for your wonderful loving and sacrificial service.

As Vicki was reminding us of the qualities that Helen has shown through her work I, John, was reminded of those wonderful verses in Isaiah 55:11-12 “so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and will achieve the purpose for which I sent it. You will go out with joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.” My mind was picturing the mountains and lakes of the Lake District which Helen and Jim are going to increasingly enjoy in the days to come. I imagined us maskless, standing and singing the words of the song based on v12 as we wished them God’s blessing.

I feel this is also God’s word to the whole church at this time. God was reminding the people through Isaiah that his word can be trusted and he was, despite all the bad things that were happening, promising them deliverance and newness of life. They needed to believe it, be obedient to his word and then enjoy the blessings. We look forward to the day when we will be able to stand together and sing to one another – You shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace etc.


  1. As we await Church of England guidance about what churches should and need not do after 19th July we will continue with our current practices. We should wear masks in church and church centre and we shouldn’t sing beneath our masks even if our whole being tells us otherwise – God understands. As numbers attending our services, particularly at 10.45, increase, it is becoming unsafe to gather for conversations in the car park. The orchard and the grass section between the church and vicarage are ideal places for us to gather. Who knows we might even be able to enjoy drinks etc out there in the not too distant future.
  1. The Narrative Theatre Company production ‘SOLVED’ is taking place on Saturday 17th July. Do think about attending and encouraging our young people. For more information see the notice sheet.
  1. Pam Male has arranged for Keswick at Home which is being live-streamed daily from 19th to 23rd July to be shown at All Saints. For more information please see the notice sheet and/or speak with Pam.
  1. Those who are ill – see the names in the notice sheet – very much depend on our prayers. Do keep praying while remembering that the Holy Spirit the Comforter is not controlled by restrictions and can meet with us wherever we are. How appropriate the name Comforter is at this time so let us pray that those who are ill and those that are struggling will be comforted.

 Much blessing to you all.
John Chester and Andy Creeth, Churchwardens

This was posted on 14 July 2021 in Weekly letters and notices

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