
Weekly letter and notices, 19 Sep 2021

Dear members of the All Saints family,

As I was thinking about the message this week two contrasting words came to mind, anticipation and experience. We have been anticipating Craig’s arrival for a long time and now anticipation will soon become experience as Craig is inducted as our vicar and as he, Gemma, Hannah and Phoebe fully integrate into the family of the church. This will be far better than simply anticipating their presence with us which has been the case up to now.

For them life will start to be very different after 26th September so let us be determined to help make their experience amongst us far better than anything they may have been anticipating. One of the things we can pray is that God will do more for them and through them than they could ever ask for or imagine – Ephesians 3:20

Our first collective opportunity to say hello will be at Craig’s induction on 26th September commencing 7pm. At the moment bookings are coming in slowly, but we expect that to change as the day approaches. Because of our Covid restriction on numbers please do book soon ( / 01244 322056) to avoid disappointment.

Forthcoming Events – Please also see this week’s notice sheet for more details.

  1. Sunday Club re-starts in the church centre on Sunday 19th Sept. Is God calling you to offer your services? This can be such a rewarding way to serve God.
  2. After-church event (19th Sept immediately after 10.45 service) with Cathy Armstrong talking about her work in Mandritsara, Madagascar. Do come and hear more about Cathy’s life serving God there. She will appreciate your being present. It will be about an hour of your time well spent.
  3. Heart and Soul Café, Monday and Tuesday 20 and 21/9. Also Chatty Group Thursday 23/9. Is God calling you to offer to help as a volunteer? Also do think about popping in for a drink and/or food.
  4. Cheerful Giver Lunch in church centre Sunday 26th September, 1pm. For those who can’t attend in person lunches will be delivered. Is God prompting you to offer to help with deliveries?

Prayer Reminders

  • Andy Creeth is having a well-deserved holiday. Please pray for him and Susan that they will enjoy their break and return home refreshed.
  • Hoole Church of England Primary School. Things to pray about are in the report of the headteacher in the notice sheet. Do also pray for Hannah and Phoebe as they are still settling into school.

Final Thought

Please do think and pray this week about how God may be wanting you to serve him through the life of All Saints or wherever he calls. As Craig starts his ministry here there will be inevitable changes in church life which will open up new opportunities for service. The Bible is full of examples of how God equipped those he called to serve him – Moses, Gideon, Jonah, to name just three who were reluctant heroes of faith. If God is calling/prompting/nudging any of us to serve him in a new or different way he will equip us.

Paul summed this up in his prayer in Hebrews 13:20-21 “May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant, brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen”

A simple prayer that we can pray for ourselves –

O God, I pray that

What I know not you will teach me,

What I have not you will give me.

What I am not you will make me,

For Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13

Much blessing to you all.
John Chester and Andy Creeth, Churchwardens

This was posted on 15 September 2021 in Weekly letters and notices

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