We do hope that you are encouraged as you read this latest weekly message. As time goes on different people will be contributing to it but, as last week, this message is from the wardens. Last week’s message included information about the process for recruiting a new vicar so here is an update.
Documentation – Thanks to the hard work of Alex Lewis and others the Parish Profile and Parish Fax-Sheet are nearing completion. The purpose of these is primarily to give ministers looking for a new position information about our church, parish and city. When they are published we would encourage you all to read them and especially the Parish Profile. It will give you plenty of ideas for prayer and will excite you as you see, in one document, all that the church does in furthering the gospel and serving the local community. Emma Smith is, with the help of others, in the process of compiling a video mainly about church people, so with your permission you may see yourself portrayed. The video will supplement the Parish Profile.
PCC – The PCC has this week appointed its two representatives who, together with a patron and Bishop Mark’s representative, will interview short-listed candidates and recommend one to the PCC and Bishop. Our representatives are Andy Creeth, warden, and Julie Tynegate who has been co-opted on to the PCC for this purpose. They will be joined by Mike Gilbertson, Archdeacon of Chester and Revd Canon Helen Edwards, Trustee of Simeon Trust. Do pray for each of them and we will keep you informed as the process progresses.
Some news about staff – As you know the lockdowns have resulted in a major reduction in our income, especially from church centre lettings and other sources. The workloads of most staff have also reduced so we are grateful to those staff who have been affected for agreeing to be furloughed or partly furloughed. One member of staff has been fully furloughed and 6 partly furloughed. All this means that, although the centre will be staffed Monday to Friday 09.30 to 15.00, you may not be able speak with the staff member you want on the day you make contact, but please do leave a message and your call will be returned.
Another retirement – Bill Morgan has announced this week that he is retiring from his role (unpaid) as church accountant. He’s only 97 years and has only done it for 50+ years! This really shows how indispensable he has been and how reliable and able he is. We will be bringing you more news about this in due course.
Other news – The Standing Committee (its members are Jeff Turnbull, PCC acting-chair, Alex Lewis, PCC sec, Garnett Carr, treasurer, Andy Creeth and John Chester, wardens) and the Leadership Team (Vicki Bulgin, Anita Benson, Revd Sam D-H, Andy Creeth and John Chester) are continuing to meet on a more regular basis than they would in more normal times. We will bring you an update from the next Leadership Meeting next week. Please pray for them as they meet next Tuesday.
Finally – For us all at All Saints 2021 will be a year of enormous change, but the good news is that God our Father, Jesus our Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit our Comforter and Enabler remain constant. Some may remember that old chorus – “All may change but Jesus never. Glory to His name.”
God’s message about what he requires of us never changes either. We commend the following to you.
“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ” Gal 6:2
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Gal 6:9
“Finally, all of you be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble.” 1 Peter 3:8
Let us continue to pray and support one another as we seek to be obedient to God’s word.
John Chester and Andy Creeth, Churchwardens.