Join us this Sunday, 22nd January 2023
Sabbath Series: Rest – Matthew 11:28-12:14
9am Holy Communion
10:45am Service (with Kidschurch)
1-3pm Safeguarding Training
This Sunday @ Kidschurch
We are continuing to follow the 60 sec Bible Trek material. In this mini series we look at the ministry of Jesus and this week we kick off with the baptism of Jesus and the launching of his public ministry.
This Sunday @ All Saints Youth
10:45am Breakfast & Bible (Sabbath series)
6-7:30pm Sunday Youth (Bible Study at 5pm)
What’s on this week (12th – 17th June)
Mon 12th June:
Heart & Soul Café, 8.45am – 2pm
Little Lights, 10-11.30am & 1-2.30pm
Tues 13th June:
Heart & Soul Café, 8.45am – 2pm
The Raven Community, 10.30am
Heart & Soul Café Prayer Time, 2.30pm: When I pray coincidences happen. When I don’t, they don’t. William Temple (1881-1944). Join us to hear what’s happening in the café and to pray for all the work, customers & volunteers.
Deo Gratias Choir, 7.30pm
Wed 14th June:
Junior Narrative Theatre Company, 4.30 – 5.30pm
Thurs 15th June
Heart & Soul Café, 8.45am – 2pm
Chatty Group in Heart & Soul Café, 10.30am – 12 noon
Narrative Theatre Company, 5 – 6.30pm
Rising Generation, 6.30pm
Fri 16th June
Funeral service for Gillian Coates, 10:40am at CHESTER CREMATORIUM. Gill’s family warmly invite her friends from All Saints Church to attend and to also join them afterwards for light refreshments at The Bistro, Abbotswood. Please dress in bright colours. Donations to Cancer Research or the RSPCA.
Sat 17th June
Chester Deo Gratias Choir Summer Concert, 7.30pm
Christian Aid Week
Thanks to all those who contributed to Christian Aid Week. The total collected from the two church services plus the online JustGiving page was £301, from which a further £57.50 will be recovered in Gift Aid, making a total of £358.50. Some will have given directly to Christian Aid, making the total from All Saints higher.
Opportunities to help/volunteer
On Friday 16th June, Hoole C of E Primary School are holding their Summer Fair. Once again, All Saints will be running the ‘hook-a-duck’ and we are looking for some help from our church family between 2.30 and 5.30pm. Even if you can spare an hour, that would be very much appreciated. Please let either Gemma or the office know.
Calling all Bakers
Would you help bless all the staff at Hoole C of E Primary School as they complete this academic year? On Tuesday 25th July, we would like to deliver a selection of homemade cakes and biscuits for them to enjoy during their breaks and lunchtime that day.
If you’d like to bake some cakes/biscuits and bring them along to the church centre on Monday 24th July, please do have a chat with Gemma and let her know what you will provide.
Thank you in advance!
Current vacancies
Youth Worker
We are looking for a full-time youth worker (37.5 hours per week) to carry on the thriving work with our amazing youth. If you are interested and would like to know more then please contact me for further details: or check out the job description here.
Operations Manager
We are looking for a part-time Operations Manager (30 hours per week) to help the church translate our vision into effective implementation. This will include liaising with the various PCC committees, supervising the administrative staff and having operational oversight of the church’s resources. If you are interested and would like to know more then please contact me for further details: or check out the job description here.
This will be a short joint service of celebration and thanksgiving for all that God has done in the life of All Saints over the last year followed by a BBQ, fete games, inflatables, ice cream van and hopefully sunshine!
If you would like to get involved in preparing for this event
please speak to Gemma.
Costa del Coach Tours
Wednesday 16th – Friday 18th August
Bookings are now being taken for our three day 5 star holiday at home for older members of our church family and wider community.
We would love you to join us as a guest or helper. Come for 1, 2 or all 3 days. Booking forms are available in the main church building. For more information pick up a brochure, send us an email at or speak to one of the Costa team: Vicki Bulgin, Gill Brown, Elaine Hemmings or Paula Warren.
We are going to have a fabulous time!
Launch of “All Saints Free Cycle” Facebook Group
Most of us have things lying around at home that have been outgrown or that we don’t need anymore. We now have a Facebook group which allows members to offer items for free, and also to ask for items they require, either for themselves or for others in need!
The idea is simple:
Search Facebook for “All Saints Free Cycle” and request to join the group. This is a private group and will only have members of All Saints in it.
Post photos of the items you are offering, including a brief description and any measurements if necessary.
Once someone has commented on your post that they would like your item, arrange collection. This can be either in church after a service, or picked up/dropped off privately.
This will hopefully be a great way to bless each other within our church family, and also to support those we know to be in need in our wider community. It’s also an opportunity to build connections with members of the congregation you may not often speak to in church on a Sunday!
Any questions, feel free to speak to Helen Foden
First Saturday of every month, 10am -12 noon in Hoole Lighthouse Centre on Westminster Road.
£2.50 per family which includes snacks, drinks and bacon/veggie sausage sandwiches. Suitable for Dads or male guardians and children age from 0-11.
Promoting a Safer Church
If you ever have any safeguarding concerns relating to children and/or vulnerable adults pass these on to our Safeguarding Officers, Jeff Turnbull or Val Ornsby, either in person or by emailing
Further contact details can be found on the posters in church and the church centre or here.
Prayer focus for this week: Vicki and the Chester Deo Gratias Choir as they prepare for their Summer Concert on Saturday 17th June.
Other News
Donation Station
We now have a second donation station which is in the centre foyer and can be used for one off donations along with donations for Little Lights and Cheerful Givers.
The World Church
All Saints supports a number of individuals and groups around the world. Please see the noticeboard at the back of church, or visit our mission page for information on our mission partners.
West Cheshire Foodbank are in need of donations of instant mash, jams, spreads, custard, puddings, tinned vegetables, UHT juice and tinned potatoes. Copies of their full shopping list are available in the centre foyer. Please put any donations in the collection crates in the church centre foyer. Alternatively, you can make a cash donation online. Thank you for your continued support. If you’d like to know more about the foodbank, please go to
Greeting cards for all occasions by Gill Holt. Please have a look after the Sunday services and support the work of Tearfund.
You can also view the email copy of this newsletter, sent out to church members, using the button below. Please contact us if you would like to be added to our mailing list!
This week’s prayer focus is for Heart & Soul Cafe.
Pray for the sick, especially for Charli Perkins, Paul Johnson, Len Morris, Sarah, Sharon Newall, Georgia Harding, Dean Wilson, John & Sheila Douglas, Angela Underhill, Elijah (baby son of Rachel Collier’s friend), Matt Banks, Richard Jones, Alastair Vize, Florence Petri, Viv Sumner, Alex Haslam, Cath Wells, Steve Bubb, Christopher Wilkinson, Cathy Armstrong, Doris Holland, Su Jones, Rachel Kirkland, Anne Blundell (Jane Speare’s sister), Frazer & Nicky Budd, Jean Price (Laura Walker’s mum) and Cora Fielding.
Pray for the long-term sick, especially for Doreen Edwards, Hilary Shergold, Mary
Maddocks, Jane Ashford, Stephen Beveridge, Reg & Jane Bolton, Mina Bowles, Katy
Durdant-Hollamby, Audrey Davies, Peter Fabian, Ron Griffiths, Gill Holt, Jeannie Hughes, Pip Jones, Elizabeth Lusty (Pawson), Cath Reeve, Tony & Margaret Thackray, Raphael Vize, Paula Warren, Catherine Wilson and others at home especially Sheila Davies, Gladys Heppell and Joyce Kirby.
Pray for the bereaved, especially for the family and friends of the late Roy Poynton, Pat Creeth (Andy’s mum), Ruth Dutton and Michael Peers.
Pray for those bereaved a year ago, especially for the family and friends of the late Joan Smith.
Other News
Christingle Service
We raised a fabulous £541.50 at our Christingle Services which has since been paid to The Children’s Society.
Ukraine Christian Ministries
Thank you for your support of Ukraine Christian Ministries. The total raised in 2022 was £965 and is in addition to the £250 donated from the All Saints Tithe by the Wider Church Committee.
Missing Christmas Jumper
Obby Guinness has lost his brand new Christmas jumper and we’re wondering if anyone might have seen it in or around the church/centre in the week leading up to Christmas. If so, please do let Rachael or the office know. Thank you!
The World Church
All Saints supports a number of individuals and groups around the world. Please see the noticeboard at the back of church, or visit our mission page for information on our mission partners.
West Cheshire Food Bank are in need of donations of unopened, within date, items – particularly tinned potatoes, instant mash, jams, spreads, custard, UHT juice and tinned meat. Please put any donations in the collection crates in the church centre foyer. Alternatively, you can make a cash donation online. Thank you for your continued support.
Greeting cards for all occasions by Gill Holt. Please have a look after the Sunday services and support the work of Tearfund.
For Sale/Offers
- Rangemaster classic Deluxe 90 cooker. Dual fuel – gas hob, electric ovens. 2 ovens plus separate grill. Great cooker. Needs to go by end of January. Buyer collects.
Glass cooker hood too. Photos are available from Vicki and the office.
See Vicki or email
- The church centre have two Beko fridge/freezers available. One in full working order for which a donation would be welcome and the other would be suitable for use in a garage for drinks, as the fridge doesn’t quite keep its temperature. This one is free.
See Christina or email
You can also view the email copy of this newsletter, sent out to church members, using the button below. Please contact us if you would like to be added to our mailing list!