Hi Everyone,
I have been asked on behalf of the outreach team to update you on our upcoming Easter outreach.
As you are aware, we had an angel themed outreach at Christmas, involving 1000 knitted angels being hung around the parish with words of encouragement ‘Do not be afraid’ attached to them and a link to All Saints and The Groves.
Well, we are at it again but this time it’s a postcard and some chocolate. We are continuing the angel theme as the angels appeared at the tomb, and also reiterating the ‘Do not be afraid’ message which we believe is still very much of this time.
All the items involved in the distribution are recyclable or biodegradable, so we aren’t polluting the streets.
How can you help?
We will be wanting volunteers to get up early again on Easter Sunday and hot cross buns will be provided!
We are also hoping that people can help in another way and that is if we could get 40 people to donate £10 each and gift-aid it if possible, to help cover the cost of this outreach.
We will also be looking to get people at home involved in packing the bags ready for distribution.
Pray. For a revelation for those picking them up.
If you would like to get involved, then please speak to one of the team:
Anita Benson, Helen Ellis, Emma Smith, Lis Treby, Julie Tynegate, Sam DH and Christina Beveridge.
I had a lovely conversation with a Hoole resident this week, who was just in awe and admiration for how loved she felt by the church. She and her friend, are not attendees of church but come to various activities and she lives on her own. She has family in Chester but she was just so moved by what we have been doing to keep in touch with her and to remind her of God’s love.
It is so important that we keep working for the good of the Parish, showing the love of God to those around us.
‘Dear children let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth’ 1 John 3 v18
We really do want to see the people of Hoole come to know Jesus. We hope that by the various activities going on even during lockdown and restrictions that things like the Cheerful Givers lunch, Afternoon Teas to friends and family, but also to the two care homes in Hoole (staff and residents), Help in Hoole leaflets and posters, Chatty Group, Angel Bombing, Easter Drop, Socially Distanced Christmas Fair and other ideas in the pipeline that we can show we care.
Thanks to everyone who has played a part in these many, many activities, it really does get noticed.
Be blessed everyone and stay safe and well.
Christina Beveridge
Church centre manager
Brief update from the Wardens
Dear member of the All Saints family,
There are two topics to update on this week in addition to the excellent main message from Christina.
- Firstly, following the Government’s announcement on easing COVID restrictions, Standing Committee and Leadership Team have decided to work towards restarting in-person 9 AM services on March 28th. This is to coincide with the government decision to lift the ‘Stay at Home’ order on March 29th. We can start in-person services the day before the lifting of the order as the government has allowed worship services to continue in lockdown.
We also aim to have a 9 AM service on Easter Sunday, April 4th. The 10:45 service will continue to be broadcast on-line for the moment.
At this stage, we can’t guarantee that we can start on 29th March, as the government may respond to changing circumstances by delaying the date of removing the ‘Stay at home order’. We also need to confirm the restart and date with the PCC at the meeting on March 15th which will allow time for any change in thinking from the Government. However, in the meantime, we can work towards opening on the 29th March and we’ll prepare on this basis. It will be very good to be able to worship together again!
- A quick update on the process to find a new vicar. We have finalised the Parish Profile and designed the advert for the Church Times. This will show an interview date of May 18th, which is not too far away! We are finalising a more detailed web-based advert that will be available on the Diocesan website amongst others. We’re making good progress.
With prayers for God’s blessing,
Andy Creeth and John Chester